
How to Match Your Fragrance With Your Mood

Fragrance pairings can enhance a room and help you create the atmosphere you desire. For a calming and serene environment, use a combination of floral and woody scents.

Fragrance layering is an art form that allows you to experiment with your own personal combinations. A simple rule for newcomers is to pair fragrances that belong to the same olfactory family.


When choosing a perfume, it’s important to choose one that matches your mood. Different fragrances are created with specific emotions in mind: a spritz of bergamot might provide the momentum you need to start your day, or jasmine could charge your confidence before a big meeting. The primal appeal of certain scents can turn anything into a romance.

Knowing which scents evoke what emotions will help you pick the perfect perfume for every occasion, and when it comes to layering, you’re truly only limited by your imagination. Scents like lilac, bergamot, neroli and oakmoss are great for uplifting your spirits while notes of vanilla, sandalwood and rose promote feelings of peace.

It’s also worth noting that each fragrance family has its own distinct characteristics, which can affect how well they mix together. For example, fruity and woody fragrances are a popular combination as they complement each other beautifully. This is demonstrated in our Wood Sage & Sea Salt + Pomegranate Noir and English Pear & Freesia pairings.

Fragrances can also be layered to create a more personal signature scent that’s unique to you. A good way to do this is by finding a base fragrance that’s simple and unfussy and adding an aromatic musk or woody perfume on top. This helps the more complex scent to shine, and the results can be spectacular.

Another popular option is to layer a floral perfume with a citrus or fruity scent. This works really well as it adds an extra element of freshness to the overall scent and can make the wearer feel more energised. The trick is to make sure the fragrances are slightly different so they compliment each other rather than clash.

If you’re going on a date, try using a romantic fragrance to set the scene. Scents like rose & lily of the valley or rose & patchouli are both great options, and you can even amp up your romance by adding a hint of musky musk to the mix. For a more casual occasion, a woody fragrance such as Iso E Super or Ambroxan can give any perfume a warm and intoxicating finish.


If you’re trying to create a specific atmosphere for a relaxing spa day at home or to get you into a calm state of mind before an important meeting, fragrances that contain lavender, lemon and eucalyptus can provide a fresh and soothing scent. Floral fragrances like jasmine can also add a sweet and delicate note that is soothing to the senses. Spicy scents can also be used to add a warm and cozy aroma. Try pairing a floral with a woody fragrance for a more balanced combination.

The environment can also impact your ability to smell certain scents. If you’re in a noisy or chaotic environment, it can be harder to pick out the right perfume for your mood. To make it easier, you should try to perfume shop when your stress levels are low and your olfactory senses are at their peak.

Fragrance is one of the most personal aspects of your daily routine, and it’s a great way to convey your personality and emotions. Different notes evoke various feelings, and knowing which ones to wear at different times can help you feel confident in any situation. For example, a spritz of bergamot can give you the momentum you need to start your morning, while a spritz of jasmine will leave you feeling confident for a big meeting.

While experimenting with different scent pairings, remember that the way each fragrance wears on your skin has as much to do with its formula as it does with your body chemistry. This is why you should only layer two fragrances that have a similar concentration. Otherwise, they may clash or become overwhelming on the skin.

Fragrance layering is a fun and creative way to create your own signature scent. Try experimenting with different combinations to find the perfect blend that fits your unique style and personality. And remember, you can always switch things up if you don’t like the result. Just be sure to use high-quality fragrances that are free of additives and preservatives to ensure they last longer on the skin. With a little bit of experimentation, you’ll be creating your very own personalized perfume in no time.

Time of Day

The time of day you wear perfume can have a significant impact on the overall fragrance experience. A crisp morning scent like bergamot or ylang-ylang is perfect for waking up and getting out the door, while an earthy evening perfume like sandalwood or vetiver may help you to relax before bed. Evening perfumes typically have deeper base notes, while lighter morning scents are often composed of fresh top notes.

Fragrance pairings don’t necessarily need to be done in strict accordance with a particular time of the day, but it can be an important consideration. When you combine fragrances in different olfactory groups, their middle and base notes can interact with each other to create a more complex aroma that evolves over the course of a day. For instance, combining floral fragrances like lily or jasmine with woody scents like pine or cedar can add depth and complexity to the fragrance’s character.

Using this method, you can build your own signature perfume that matches your mood or personality throughout the day. You can also use this technique to enhance the longevity and intensity of a perfume that you love. To maximize your perfume’s performance, spritz the heaviest concentration first and layer the lighter fragrance on top. This will help the heaviest perfume’s notes last longer on your skin, while giving the lighter scent a chance to meld with its body.

Another important note to keep in mind is that the way a perfume smells on you will have as much to do with your body chemistry as it does with the formula of the fragrance itself. This is why the same fragrance can be different on two people of the same gender.

The days of wearing a single signature scent are long gone, and instead, we’ve moved on to building our very own fragrance wardrobes. If you’re looking to find the right perfume for your mood, we recommend experimenting with scent layering and letting yourself get inspired by the infinite combinations that are possible. Whether you’re trying to match a friend’s scent or find a scent that is the perfect gift, these fragrance pairings are sure to inspire.

Size of Room

The size of your room can have a big impact on the scent pairings that work well for you. A large space calls for a lighter fragrance, while a small bedroom may be better suited to a stronger, muskier scent.

The blending of scents is often a process of trial and error. It can be helpful to start with a basic fragrance that contains the notes you love most and then experiment with complementary scents. You’ll find that single notes from similar families blend much more easily than clusters of different aromas.

For example, a floral aroma like jasmine pairs well with citrus and bergamot scents. Similarly, earthier notes such as lavender and patchouli pair nicely with hints of spice.

Don’t be afraid to mix your scents — not just colognes, but also body mists and perfumes. A little experimentation is all it takes to discover your olfactory nirvana. When you find the perfect combination, don’t be afraid to stick with it. Just make sure to store your scents properly so they last longer — and don’t forget to keep your scent boxes handy! They’re made of high-quality soy wax and can be a great way to save your perfume bottles from spilling.